Martin Troxler

Taxidermy Leiter zoologische Präparation

To the team
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern, Präparator Martintroxler arbeitet in den Vogeldioramen
Martin Troxler NMBE/Schäublin

The questions of conservation in natural history museums are my main fields of interest. Among them is the conservation of fresh collection material as well as the difficulty of conservation of already existing objects. The focus lies on questions of long-term conservation, ermergence of decay as well as the handling of objects loaded with biocide. For me, the encouragement of apprentices and the transfer of knowledge are very important aspects.



Techniques of conservation

  • General difficulty of conservation in museums
  • Conservation of skin
  • Conservation of bones

Monitoring and control of pest in the areas of exhibitions and collections


  • Evaluate the emergence of decay and develop solutions
  • Projects of restoration in the scientific preparation
  • Direction of the OK Conservation-Angels 2016 project at the Naturalienkabinett des Klosters Einsiedeln. An event of both associations Naturwissenschaftliche Präparation Schweiz (VNPS) and Schweizerischer Verband für Konservierung und Restaurierung (SKR)


  • Handling of objects loaded with biocide, counsel
  • Conservation free of biocide
  • Collaboration in various working groups and groups of experts

Since 2005: direction of the department Zoological taxidermy

Since 1996: scientific taxidermist at the NMBE

1992 to 1994: education as a scientific taxidermist at the Bündner Natur-Museum in Chur, specialised in the preparation of bones and the conservation of skin

1984 to 1988: education as a bookbinder, artisanal orientation (EFZ)


We offer in regular intervals quality apprenticeship training positions in the domain of natural sciences preparation, subject to the regulations of the professional association (as of 18 years).

Possibilities of discovery of the profession: there is a possibility of a small insight of the profession (maximum 1 day) for interested people. They can apply via e-mail for a preliminary talk (1h), indicating the person's data.

I offer on demand and as far as possible apprenticeship training positions (for persons in an officially recognised apprenticeship as scientific taxidermist) in the domains of conservation of skin and preparation of bones, restoration of old skeletal material.

Informations about the apprenticeship of scientific preparator in Switzerland: VNPS/Ausbildung



Troxler, Martin: Reinigung und Restaurierung von Knochenpräparaten. Ein Beitrag in Eipper, Paul-Bernhard (Hg.): Handbuch der Oberflächenpräparation, 5. Auflage, Dr. C. Müller-Straten, München 2017; 325–331

Kurz, Sirpa ; Troxler, Martin: Kombinationstechnik Aluminiumgerbung / Volumenstabilisierung mit Polyethylenglykol (PEG) am Beispiel eines Mexikanischen Nackthundes; Der Präparator 60(2014): 10–19

Troxler, Martin: Kampf den Bioziden; Restauro 6(2017): 40–49

Troxler, Martin: Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Schädlingen im ausstellungsbereich. Bekämpfungsmassnahmen, Monitoring (Pestcontrol); Der Präparator 60(2014): 18–25

Troxler, Martin: Restaurierung zoologischer Präparate; Kulturgüterschutz-Forum 17(2011): 85–95

Troxler, Martin; Schneppat, Ulrich E.: Hautkonservierung - Handbuch für das zoologische Präparatorium; Bern 2003; ISBN 3-907088-17-4

Niederklopfer, Peter; Troxler, Martin: Knochenpräparation - Handbuch für Praktiker; Rothenbrunnen 2001; ISBN 3-9522247-0-7; 2018 erscheint die zweite, leicht überarbeitet Auflage.

Troxler, Martin: Beiträge zur Skelettmontage von Vögeln und Säugetieren; Der Präparator 46(2000): 109–122

Troxler, Martin: Beiträge zur Insektenschutzausrüstung bei Fellen; Der Präparator 45(1999):45–58


Verband Naturwissenschaftliche Präparation Schweiz (VNPS);

  • Member of the directorate (assessor during the pair years 2016, 2018, 2020)
  • Presidency during the impair years 2015, 2017, 2019)
  • President of the education committee of the Verband Naturwissenschaftliche Präparation Schweiz (VNPS-Ausbildung)
  • Director of the working group "Biozid" of the Verband Naturwissenschaftliche Präparation Schweiz (Merkblatt-VNPS)

Member of the Verband Deutscher Präparatoren (VDP)