Below you will find information about the rooms and the rental conditions. For a rental request, please use the following form:
Information on the lecture hall
- Size
144 m2, max. 196 people
- Rent half day
CHF 500.00
- Rent full day
CHF 1000.00
- Operateur
Technical equipment
- Projector 1920x1200 pixels
- Overhead projector
- Laptop (Windows, MS Office)
- Internet WLAN
- Blue Ray/DVD/CD player HDMI
- Microphones:
- 1 x fixed at the lectern
- 3 x wireless handheld microphones or
- 3 x wireless clip-on microphones
- 1 handheld microphone with cable
Information on the course room
- Size
70 m2, max. 32 people
- Rent half day
CHF 200.00
- Rent full day
CHF 500.00
- Operateur
not mendatory
Technical equipment
- Projector
- Overhead projector
- VHS video recorder
- 4 stereo microscopes
Information on the conference room
- Size
48 m2, max. 25 people
- Rent half day
CHF 200.00
- Rent full day
CHF 500.00
- Operateur
not mendatory
Techincal equipment
- Projector
- Overhead projector

Operateur / Operatrice
An operator is available to operate the equipment and open doors outside normal opening hours. An operator must be present in the lecture hall. A second person is also available for larger events.
Hourly rates Operateur / Operatrice
- Mon - Fri and before 6 pm
CHF 45.00
- Sat & Sun and from 6 pm
CHF 52.00
Additional expense
Should additional technical and infrastructure requirements arise at the event, these will be charged additionally per hour according to the technician's workload.
General Terms and Conditions
Please note that the Natural History Museum Bern is a neutral venue. Political or ideological issues may not be associated with the museum before, during or after the event as part of your booking.